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  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    08:00 – 08:05 ET
    EC 01.1 - Introduction
    Room: 514
    Speaker: Robert A. Campbell, PhD – University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; Department of Internal Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
    Early Career
  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    08:00 – 10:30 ET
    EC 01.9 - Early Career Session
    Room: 514
    Early Career
  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    08:05 – 08:15 ET
    EC 01.2 - Welcome Message
    Room: 514
    Speaker: Flora Peyvandi, MD, PhD (she/her/hers) – IRCCS Ca' Granda Maggiore Hospital Foundation, Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, Milano, Italy; Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Milano, Italy
    Early Career
  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    08:15 – 09:05 ET
    EC 01.3 - Your Guide to Networking at the ISTH Congress and Beyond
    Room: 514
    Moderator: Zara Sayar, MBChB MD MRCP FRCPath – University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; Whittington Hospital, London, UK
    Speaker: Danny Hsu, MBBS FRACP FRCPA (he/him/his) – NSW Health, Liverpool Hospital
    Speaker: Rodney M. Camire, PhD – Division of Hematology and the Raymond G. Perelman Center for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Speaker: Fionnuala Ni Ainle, MD, PhD – University College Dublin
    Early Career
  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    09:20 – 10:20 ET
    EC 01.4 - Round Table: How to Get the Most Out of Your Congress
    Room: 514
    Speaker: Beverley J. Hunt, MD, FRCP, FRCPath – Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
    Speaker: Sriram Krishnaswamy, PhD – The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, United States
    Speaker: Elizabeth E. Gardiner, PhD – Australian National University
    Early Career
  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    09:20 – 10:20 ET
    EC 01.5 - Round Table: Getting Involved With the SSC
    Room: 514
    Speaker: Marie Lordkipanidzé, B.Pharm, PhD (she/her/hers) – Faculty of pharmacy, University of Montreal
    Speaker: Nicola J. J. Mutch, PhD (she/her/hers) – Aberdeen Cardiovascular & Diabetes Centre, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen
    Speaker: Assaf Barg, MD – The National Hemophilia Center, and Amalia Biron Research Institute of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, Israel
    Early Career
  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    09:20 – 10:20 ET
    EC 01.6 - Round Table: The Role of ISTH Committees in the Society
    Room: 514
    Speaker: Donna DiMichele, MD (she/her/hers) – Donna DiMichele Consulting, LLC
    Speaker: Cecile V. Denis, PhD – INSERM
    Speaker: James Douketis, MD (he/him/his) – McMaster University/St. Joseph's Healthcare
    Early Career
  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    09:20 – 10:20 ET
    EC 01.7 - Round Table: Fellowship and Award Opportunites
    Room: 514
    Speaker: Ana Boban, MD, PhD – Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb University School of Medicine
    Speaker: Omolade A. Awodu, MBChB, MD, FMCPath (she/her/hers) – University of BeninTeaching Hospital
    Speaker: Suely Rezende, MD, PhD (she/her/hers) – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
    Early Career
  • Saturday, Jun 24th
    10:25 – 10:30 ET
    EC 01.8 - Closing Remarks
    Room: 514
    Speaker: Renee Eslick, BMed FRACP FRCPA (she/her/hers) – Canberra Hospital
    Early Career