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  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    16:30 – 18:30 ET
    NUR 01.6 - Safe and Competent Care: Striving for Nursing Excellence
    Room: 524
    Moderator: Vanessa Bouskill, MN,NP (she/her/hers) – Hospital for Sick Children
    Moderator: Sarah Garvey, ANP FFNMRCSI – Beaumont Hospital Dublin
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    16:30 – 17:00 ET
    NUR 01.1 - Cultural Humility, Back to Basics: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    Room: 524
    Speaker: Erin Ziegler, PhD, NP-PHC (she/her/hers) – Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Metropolitan Toronto University
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    17:00 – 17:30 ET
    NUR 01.2 - Safe Care: How to Sensitively Address LGBTQ2+ Community
    Room: 524
    Speaker: Cathy Maser, MN, NP-Paediatric (she/her/hers) – Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    17:30 – 18:00 ET
    NUR 01.3 - Case Presentation: Menorrhagia in a Person Identifying as Male
    Room: 524
    Speaker: Maya Bloomberg, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC (she/her/hers) – University of Miami / Jackson Memorial Hospital
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    18:00 – 18:15 ET
    NUR 01.4 - Case Presentation: Transitioning Male to Female: Addressing Thrombotic Risk
    Room: 524
    Speaker: James Munn, Master's of Science; Hemostasis Nurse-Board Certified – Hemophilia & Coagulation Disorders Program at Michigan Medicine
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    18:15 – 18:30 ET
    NUR 01.5 - Case Presentation: Intimacy, Sexual Health and Bleeding Disorders
    Room: 524
    Speaker: Nanda Uitslager, M ANP (she/her/hers) – University Medical Center Utrecht
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    18:30 – 19:30 ET
    PB0243 - Trends in Vitamin K antagonist use indicate prescription patterns that may be over-utilizing Direct Oral Anticoagulants without adequate gains in side effect profile or improved cost-effectiveness.
    Room: Exhibition
    Presenting Author: Cherian Verghese, MD MPH – University of Missouri
    Co-Author: Alexander McGraw – University of Missouri
    Co-Author: Pamela Sanford – University of Missouri
    Co-Author: Jacob Kettle – University of Missouri
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    18:30 – 19:30 ET
    PB0244 - Analysis of Drug Related Problem associated with Direct Oral Anticoagulants: Findings from a medical records review by pharmacists in a large teaching hospital
    Room: Exhibition
    Co-Author: Sei Keng Koh – Nil
    Co-Author: Vivian SY Wong – Nil
    Co-Author: Duke JJ Chua – Nil
    Co-Author: Sin Yi How – Nil
    Co-Author: Lai Heng Lee – Nil
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    18:30 – 19:30 ET
    PB0245 - Equitable Care for Individuals with Inherited Bleeding and Substance Use Disorders
    Room: Exhibition
    Presenting Author: Jacqueline Bottacari, LCSW (she/her/hers) – Yale Center for Bleeding and Clotting Disorders
    Co-Author: Marla Feinstein – National Hemophilia Foundation
    Co-Author: Jennifer Feldman – New England Hemophilia Center Umass Memorial Medical Center
    Co-Author: Miriam Goldstein – Hemophilia Federation of America
    Co-Author: Mark Hobraczk – Hemophilia Federation of America
    Co-Author: Ziva Mann – New England Bleeding Disorders Advocacy Coalition
    Co-Author: Nicholas McRae – New England Bleeding Disorders Advocacy Coalition
    Co-Author: Ann Marie Minichiello – New England Bleeding Disorders Advocacy Coalition
    Co-Author: Lucy Ramirez – Rush University Medical Center Hemophilia Treatment Center
    Co-Author: Gillian Schultz – Bleeding Disorders Foundation of North Carolina
    Co-Author: Joanne Fadale Wagner – Dartmouth Health Hemophilia Treatment Center
    Co-Author: Katherine Reinhalter Bazinsky – Bleeding Disorders Substance Use and Mental Health Access Coalition
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    18:30 – 19:30 ET
    PB0246 - FXIII Deficiency: A genetic diagnostic dilemma
    Room: Exhibition
    Co-Author: Vanessa Bouskill, MN,NP (she/her/hers) – Hospital for Sick Children
    Presenting Author: Jodie E. Odame, Mb BCh BAO – Hospital for Sick Children
    Co-Author: Caroline Malcolmson, MD MSc FRCPC FAAP (she/her/hers) – Hospital for Sick Children
    Co-Author: Cindy Wakefield – Hospital for Sick Children
    Co-Author: Elizabeth Paradis – Health Sciences North
    Co-Author: Tammy Bourque – Health Sciences North
    Co-Author: David Lillicrap, MD – Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Queen's University
    Co-Author: Orla Rawley, PhD (she/her/hers) – Queen's University, Pathology and Molecular Medicine
    Co-Author: Manuel Carcao, MD, FRCPC – Division of Haematology/Oncology, Department of Paediatrics, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    18:30 – 19:30 ET
    PB0248 - Changes in Some Coagulation Parameters of Single Women Using some Oral and Injectable Contraceptives in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River, Nigeria
    Room: Exhibition
    Presenting Author: Dorathy C. Okpokam, PhD – University of Calabar
    Co-Author: Shirley I. George – University of Calabar
    Co-Author: Eme U. Akpan – University of Calabar
    Co-Author: Vivian O. Nlemadim – University of Calabar
    Co-Author: Mbang Kooffreh-Ada – University of Calabar
    Co-Author: Anthony O. Emeribe – University of Calabar
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Sunday, Jun 25th
    18:30 – 19:30 ET
    PB0249 - Some Coagulation profiles (PT, APTT, TT, FIB), Red Cell, Total White Cell, Platelet Counts and their Indices Activity Levels in Persons Exposed to Wood Smoke (firewood) in Calabar, Nigeria
    Room: Exhibition
    Presenting Author: Dorathy C. Okpokam, PhD – University of Calabar
    Co-Author: Eme U. Akpan – University of Calabar
    Co-Author: Vivian O. Nlemadim – University of Calabar
    Co-Author: Anthony O. Emeribe – University of Calabar
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Monday, Jun 26th
    16:30 – 18:30 ET
    NUR 02.6 - Complexities of Care: Managing Co-Morbidities
    Room: 524
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Monday, Jun 26th
    16:30 – 17:00 ET
    NUR 02.1 - Disparities in Anticoagulant Therapy Initiation: Real or Imagined?
    Room: 524
    Speaker: Sara Vazquez, PharmD – University of Utah Health
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Monday, Jun 26th
    17:00 – 17:30 ET
    NUR 02.2 - Extremes in Weight: Obesity and Malnourishment and Their Implications on Inherited Bleeding Disorders
    Room: 524
    Speaker: Jennifer A. Maahs, MSN, PNP – Indiana Hemophilia & Thrombosis Centre
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Monday, Jun 26th
    17:30 – 18:00 ET
    NUR 02.3 - Oncologic Diagnoses and Thrombotic Risks: Anticoagulant Prophylaxis or Not?
    Room: 524
    Speaker: Huw Rowswell, MSC (he/him/his) – University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Monday, Jun 26th
    18:00 – 18:15 ET
    NUR 02.4 - DOAC Use After Bariatric Surgery: Too Low or Just Right?
    Room: 524
    Speaker: Julia A. Bayadinova, MN, NP-PHC – St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Monday, Jun 26th
    18:15 – 18:30 ET
    NUR 02.5 - Case Presentation: Acute Dissection of the Cervical Carotid Artery in a Hemophilia Patient
    Room: 524
    Speaker: BJ Ramsay, BSc Nursing (he/him/his) – Wellington Hemophilia Centre (WRH)
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    16:30 – 18:30 ET
    NUR 03.9 - Perspectives & Advances in Care: Nursing & Allied Health Abstracts
    Room: 524
    Moderator: sulochana Badagabettu, PhD (she/her/hers) – Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal
    Moderator: Celina Woo, MN NP(P) (she/her/hers) – Children's and Women's Hospital of British Columbia
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    16:30 – 16:45 ET
    NUR 03.1 - The EduCATe Study: The Importance of Patient Education on Cancer Associated Thrombosis Everywhere
    Room: 524
    Presenting Author: Laurie A. Sardo, NP (she/her/hers) – St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    16:45 – 17:00 ET
    NUR 03.2 - Relevance of Blood Coagulation Factors IX and X to Thrombin Generation Profile and Biomarkers of Thrombogenesis in Pulmonary Embolism Patients
    Room: 524
    Presenting Author: Dilany Aliaga, RN – Loyola University Chicago
    Co-Author: Fakiha Siddiqui, PhD Candidate – Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Loyola University Chicago, Health Sciences Division, Maywood, IL, USA.
    Co-Author: Debra Hoppensteadt – Loyola University Chicago
    Co-Author: Bulent Kantarcioglu, MD – Loyola University Chicago
    Co-Author: Jawed Fareed, n/a – Loyola University Medical Center
    Co-Author: Amir Darki – Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Loyola University Medical Center, 2160 S. 1st Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153, USA.
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    17:00 – 17:15 ET
    NUR 03.3 - Electronic adaptation and Danish cross-cultural translation of PEmb-QoL and VEINES-QoL/Sym for patients with venous thromboembolism
    Room: 524
    Co-Author: Stine Foged Lindegaard – Department of Cardiology & Aalborg Thrombosis Research Unit, Aalborg University Hospital & Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
    Co-Author: Nanna Rolving – Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
    Presenting Author: Anette A. Højen, RN, MScN, PhD, – Danish Center for Health Services Research, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, and Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    17:15 – 17:30 ET
    NUR 03.4 - Venous Thrombosis events 2020 - 2022 in a teaching hospital: Comparison with positive Covid diagnoses
    Room: 524
    Presenting Author: Huw Rowswell, MSC (he/him/his) – University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
    Co-Author: Wayne Thomas – University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    17:30 – 17:45 ET
    NUR 03.5 - A lack of history makes it a mystery: Insights into Non-Severe Hemophilia
    Room: 524
    Presenting Author: sulochana Badagabettu, PhD (she/her/hers) – Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal
    Co-Author: archana MV – Department of Pediatric Hemato -Oncology, KMC, MAHE, Manipal
    Co-Author: Vinay Munikoty – 3Department of Pediatric Hematology Oncology and BMT, Manipal Hospitals
    Co-Author: Vasudeva Bhat K – Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
    Co-Author: Annamma Kurien – Manipal University College Malaysia, Bukit Baru, Melaka, Malaysia
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    17:45 – 18:00 ET
    NUR 03.6 - Low Molecular Weight Heparin supply disruption – A model for safe switching
    Room: 524
    Presenting Author: Virginia SILVARI, PhD (she/her/hers) – Cork University Hospital
    Co-Author: Anna Keating – ork University Hospital
    Co-Author: Danielle O'Shea – Cork University Hospital
    Co-Author: Aoife Delaney – Cork University Hospital
    Co-Author: Catriona O'Leary, RANP, RNP, MSc, Bsc (she/her/hers) – Cork University Hospital
    Co-Author: Maeve P. Crowley – Department of Haematology, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, T12 DC4A Cork, Ireland
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    18:00 – 18:15 ET
    NUR 03.7 - Comparison of the Effectiveness, Safety and Cost of Tele-Consultation Versus Face-To-Face Model of Outpatient Anticoagulation Clinic Service
    Room: 524
    Presenting Author: Shaun Eric Lopez, MSc (he/him/his) – Tan Tock Seng Hospital
    Co-Author: Rachel Lim – Tan Tock Seng Hospital
    Nurses and Allied Health
  • Tuesday, Jun 27th
    18:15 – 18:30 ET
    NUR 03.8 - Venous Thrombosis events associated with Thoracic Surgery in a Teaching Hospital: 2012 – 2022
    Room: 524
    Presenting Author: Huw Rowswell, MSC (he/him/his) – University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
    Co-Author: Adrian Marchbank – University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
    Nurses and Allied Health