Poster Networking
Platelets and Megakaryocytes
Charlotte Muret, MS
PhD Student
Transfusion Interrégionale CRS SA, Epalinges, Switzerland
Epalinges, Vaud, Switzerland
David Crettaz
Scientific collaborator
Transfusion Interrégionale CRS SA, Epalinges, Switzerland
Epalinges, Vaud, Switzerland
Lorenzo Alberio, MD (he/him/his)
Chief Physician, Associated Professor
Division and Central Laboratory of Hematology, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
Michel Prudent
Associated Professor
Transfusion Interrégionale CRS SA, Epalinges, Switzerland
Epalinges, Vaud, Switzerland