Presenting Author: Johannes Oldenburg, MD (he/him/his) – University Clinic Bonn AöR, Institute of Experimental Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, Bonn, Germany
Co-Author: Carmen Escuriola-Ettingshausen, MD – Haemophilia Centre Rhine-Main, Mörfelden-Walldorf, Germany
Co-Author: Pierre Fontana, MD PhD (he/him/his) – Division of Angiology and Haemostasis, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland
Co-Author: Swee Wenning – SRH Kurpfalzkrankenhaus, Heidelberg, Germany
Co-Author: Christian Pfrepper, MD – Division of Hemostaseology, University Hospital Leipzig, Germany
Co-Author: Bianca Heidersdorf – Roche Pharma AG, Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany
Co-Author: Patrick Udvardi – Roche Pharma Schweiz AG, Basel, Switzerland
Co-Author: Manuela Albisetti – University Children’s Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Hemophilia and Rare Bleeding Disorders